
The present website was created with the support of the National Cultural Fund in the framework of the tender issued by Department for Photographic Arts, titled ”Digitalization, documentation and publication of unpublished Hungarian or Hungarian-related photographs, art photographs, photographic oeuvres, legacies, photographic collections or photo archives”.

Digitalization, photo identification, subject-headings: Tamás Horváth

Responsible editor: Gyula Szekeres, director of Hajdúsági Museum

Website created by: Peter Teszáry |

The present project was realized from the resources of the tender ”Website presenting the photographic oeuvre of Miklós Szabó” (tender ID 103122/9) accepted by the NCF (National Cultural Fund) Department of Photographic Arts, and with the support of Hajdúsági Museum and the Municipality of Hajdúböszörmény.
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